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How do I run Capital Gains Tax (CGT) calculations and CGT client reports?

This step-by-step summary explains how to run capital gains tax (CGT) calculations and CGT reports for your clients.

Date: 26 October 2022

What you’ll need to get started

  • Be set up on our new technology platform and be logged in to your account.
  • Have the correct level of access set up to locate the client records you require.
  • The client name or account number for the Collective Investment Account you wish to run CGT reports and calculations for.

Watch time: 8 minutes

CGT reporting tool user guide

This guide explores the CGT reporting tool, its main features and looks at how to troubleshoot any potential issues you may come across.

View user guide

How do I

Switching between share classes

If you switch between share classes of the same asset it will show as a disposal in the CGT tool and on the CGT Report and cannot be corrected. We will be looking to deliver share class conversion functionality in future.


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