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How do I generate a valuation statement?

This step-by-step summary explains how to produce a valuation statement for one of your client’s investments.

Date: 26 October 2022

What you’ll need to get started

  • The name of the client.
  • Which investment you’d like the valuation for.
  • The date range you’d like the valuation to reflect.

Watch time: 2 minutes

Producing a valuation for your client’s investment: Step-by-step

1. Search for the relevant client. You'll find this on the homepage.

2. Click on the ‘Create reports’ button at the top of the client’s dashboard and select ‘Valuation’.

3. Select the client account to include in the valuation statement and choose the valuation date. A valuation can be run at either client or tax wrapper level. At client level it will have all tax wrappers and at tax wrapper level just that wrapper.

  • Click ‘Generate’ and your valuation statement will appear underneath. It may take a minute or so to generate.

4. Click on the statement to open it.

  • The client and account details will be displayed at the top of the statement followed by a breakdown of the client’s accounts, and then the asset, account, and withdrawal values.
  • You can download the statement to save it locally. It will also be saved within the system for you, and you can re-access it from the ‘Documents’ tab on your client’s dashboard.
  • A single account valuation can also be generated by selecting the account from the clients’ dashboard, and clicking on the ‘Create reports’ quick link button on the account dashboard.

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