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Cut-off and dealing points

When we receive instructions to buy or sell assets they are usually processed on the day of receipt and assets are usually bought or sold no later than the day following receipt.

Most of our funds trade once a day at a time known as the dealing point. This is the point up until which the fund manager will accept instructions to trade. We operate a cut-off time prior to the dealing point. Any deals placed before the cut-off time will receive the price at the next dealing point. Deals placed after the cut-off time will receive the price at the subsequent dealing point.

Dealing times

OEICs and unit trusts

  • With the exception of the assets shown in the table below the dealing point for all OEICs and unit trusts available through the Quilter's platform is 12 midday.
  • The cut-off time for trades outside a model portfolio (loose assets) is 11am.
  • For trades inside a model portfolio or discretionary managed portfolio the cut off time is 10.45am.

Exchange traded investments (ETIs)

  • Exchange traded investments have two dealing times during a working day: 12.15pm and 3.15pm.
  • Trades within a model portfolio must be submitted by 10.45am (for 12.15pm dealing) and 2pm (for 3.15pm dealing).
  • Instructions for ETI trades outside of models (loose assets) can be submitted up to the dealing times of 12.15pm and 3.15pm.

Read our trading cycle document for examples of how fund cut offs and dealing times affect the time it takes for transactions to complete on our system.

Fund Name (All share classes) Cut off (AVP) for assets inside model portfolios and discretionary managed portfolios Cut-off (AVP) for assets outside of model portfolios and discretionary managed portfolios Dealing Point (VP)
1OAK Multi Asset 80 UCITs 10:45 11:00 17:00
Aberdeen Standard Liquidity (Lux) 10:45 11:00 13:30
Aberforth UK Small Companies 14:45 15:00 16:30
ACUMEN Capital Protection Portfolio  09:45 10:00 16:30
ACUMEN ESG Protection Portfolio  09:45 10:00 16:30
ACUMEN Income Protection Portfolio 09:45 10:00 16:30
Aegon Absolute Return Bond 09:45 10:00 12:00
Aegon European ABS 10:45 11:00 23:00
Aegon Global Equity Market Neutral 09:45 10:00 12:00
Aegon Global Sustainable Sovereign Bond 10:45 11:00 23:00
Aegon Short Dated High Yield Global Bond 09:45 10:00 12:00
Affinity Sustainable Growth 10:45 11:00 17:30
AHFM Defined Returns 10:45 11:00 17:30
Aikya Investment Management Limited 10:45 11:00 22:00
Alegerbris Financial Credit 10:45 11:00 22:30
Alegerbris IG Financial Credit 10:45 11:00 22:30
Alliance Bernstein American Growth Portfolio  15:45 16:00 21:00
Alliance Bernstein Short Duration High Yield Portfolio 15:45 16:00 21:00
AllianceBernstein Asia Ex-Japan Equity Portfolio 15:45 16:00 21:00
AllianceBernstein China A Share Equity Portfolio 15:45 16:00 21:00
AllianceBernstein Concentrated Global Equity Portfolio 15:45 16:00 21:00
AllianceBernstein Concentrated US Equity Portfolio 15:45 16:00 21:00
AllianceBernstein Emerging Markets Multi Asset Portfolio 15:45 16:00 21:00
AllianceBernstein European Equity Portfolio (Hgd) 15:45 16:00 21:00
AllianceBernstein Eurozone Equity Portfolio 15:45 16:00 21:00
AllianceBernstein Financial Credit Portfolio 15:45 16:00 21:00
AllianceBernstein Global Dynamic Bond Portfolio 15:45 16:00 21:00
AllianceBernstein Global Low Carbon Equity Portfolio 15:45 16:00 21:00
AllianceBernstein Global Plus Fixed Income Portfolio  15:45 16:00 21:00
AllianceBernstein Global Value Portfolio 15:45 16:00 21:00
AllianceBernstein International Health Care Portfolio 15:45 16:00 21:00
AllianceBernstein Low Volatility Equity Portfolio 15:45 16:00 21:00
AllianceBernstein RMB Income Plus Portfolio 15:45 16:00 21:00:00 the following bussiness day
AllianceBernstein Select Absolute Alpha Portfolio 15:45 16:00 21:00
AllianceBernstein Select US Equity Portfolio 15:45 16:00 21:00
AllianceBernstein Sustainable All Market Portfolio (Hgd) 15:45 16:00 21:00
AllianceBernstein Sustainable Euro High Yield Portfolio 15:45 16:00 21:00
AllianceBernstein Sustainable Global Thematic Credit Portfolio 15:45 16:00 21:00
AllianceBernstein Sustainable Global Thematic Portfolio 15:45 16:00 21:00
AllianceBernstein Sustainable US Thematic Portfolio 15:45 16:00 21:00
AllianceBernstein Sustainable US Thematic Portfolio 15:45 16:00 21:00
Allianz All China Equity  15:45 16:00 10:00 the following business day
Allianz China  15:45 16:00 10:00 the following business day
Allianz Global Floating Rate Notes Plus 15:45 16:00 11:00 the following business day
Alquity Africa 09:45 10:00 22:00
Alquity Asia 09:45 10:00 18:00
Alquity Future World 09:45 10:00 18:00
Alquity Future World Global Impact  09:45 10:00 18:00
Alquity Indian Subcontinent 09:45 10:00 18:00
Amundi Absolute Return Credit 10:45 11:00 17:00
Amundi Absolute Return Global Opportunities Bond 10:45 11:00 17:00
Amundi Absolute Return Multi-Strategy 10:45 11:00 17:00
Amundi Emerging Markets Bond  10:45 11:00 21:00
Amundi Emerging Markets Equity Focus 10:45 11:00 17:00
Amundi Emerging Markets Green Bond  10:45 11:00 21:00
Amundi Emerging Markets Hard Currency Bond 10:45 11:00 17:00
Amundi Emerging World Equity 10:45 11:00 17:00
Amundi Euro High Yield Bond 10:45 11:00 17:00
Amundi Euroland Equity 10:45 11:00 17:00
Amundi European Equity Small Cap 10:45 11:00 17:00
Amundi European Equity Sustainable Income 10:45 11:00 17:00
Amundi European Equity Value 10:45 11:00 17:00
Amundi Global AGG SRI 1-5 10:45 11:00 17:00:00 the following business day
Amundi Global Ecology ESG 10:45 11:00 21:00
Amundi Global Equity Sustainable Income 10:45 11:00 17:00
Amundi Global Subordinated Bond 10:45 11:00 17:00
Amundi Index FTSE EPRA Nareit Global 10:45 11:00 16:00 the following business day
Amundi Index MSCI Emerging Markets SRI  09:45 10:00 21:00 the following business day
Amundi Index MSCI Europe SRI  09:45 10:00 16:30 the following business day
Amundi Index MSCI Japan SRI  10:45 11:00 09:00 the following business day
Amundi Index MSCI Pacific Ex Japan SRI  10:45 11:00 09:15 the following business day
Amundi Index MSCI USA SRI  09:45 10:00 21:00 the following business day
Amundi Index MSCI World 10:45 11:00 21:00
Amundi Japan Equity Engagement 10:45 11:00 17:00
Amundi Latin America Equity 10:45 11:00 17:00
Amundi Montpensier Global Convertible Bond 10:45 11:00 17:00
Amundi MSCI EMU ESG Leaders Select 10:45 11:00 16:00
Amundi MSCI UK IMI SRI  10:45 11:00 16:30
Amundi MSCI World Climate Transition CTB 10:45 11:00 21:00
Amundi Multi-Strategy Growth 10:45 11:00 17:00
Amundi Pioneer Flexible Opportunities 10:45 11:00 17:00
Amundi Sustainable Top European Players 10:45 11:00 17:00
Amundi Volatility World  10:45 11:00 21:00
AQR Delphi Global Equities  10:45 11:00 15:00
AQR Managed Futures UCITS 10:45 11:00 15:00
Arabesque SICAV - Global ESG Momentum Equity 10:45 11:00 16:00
Arbrook American Equities 14:45 15:00 17:30
ARC TIME Commercial Long Income Feeder Trust 15:45 16:00 10:00 the following business day
ARC TIME Commercial Long Income PAIF 15:45 16:00 10:00 the following business day
ARC TIME Social Long Income Feeder Trust  15:45 16:00 10:00 the following business day
ARC TIME Social Long Income PAIF 15:45 16:00 10:00 the following business day
ARC TIME UK Infrastructure Income  15:45 16:00 10:00 the following business day
Ardea Global Alpha 09:45 10:00 23:00 the following business day
Ardevora Global Equity 10:45 11:00 23:00
Ardevora Global Long-Only Equity 10:45 11:00 23:00
Artemis (Lux) Global High Yield Bond 10:45 11:00 15:00
Artisan Emerging Markets Debt Opportunities 10:45 11:00 21:00
Artisan Global Value 10:45 11:00 21:00
Ashmore SICAV Emerging Markets Short Duration 10:45 11:00 15:00
Ashoka WhiteOak Emerging Markets Equity 10:45 11:00 23:00
Atlantic House Balanced Return  15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Atlantic House Dynamic Duration  10:45 11:00 22:00
Atlantic House Uncorrelated Strategies  10:45 11:00 17:00
Aubrey Global Emerging Markets Opportunites 09:45 10:00 13:30 the following business day
Aviva Investors Climate Transition Global Credit (Luxembourg fund) 10:45 11:00 15:00
Aviva Investors Global Equity Income 10:45 11:00 23:59
Aviva Investors Multi Asset Fund I 10:45 11:00 14:00
Aviva Investors Multi Asset Fund II 10:45 11:00 14:00
Aviva Investors Multi Asset Fund III 10:45 11:00 14:00
Aviva Investors Multi Asset Fund IV 10:45 11:00 14:00
Aviva Investors Multi Asset Fund V 10:45 11:00 14:00
Aviva Investors Multi-Manager 20-60% Shares 15:45 16:00 09:00 the following business day
Aviva Investors Multi-Manager 40-85% Shares 15:45 16:00 09:00 the following business day
Aviva Investors Multi-Manager Flexible 15:45 16:00 09:00 the following business day
Aviva Investors Multi-Strategy Target Return 10:45 11:00 23:59
AXA WF Framlington Clean Economy (Hdg)  10:45 11:00 16:00
AXA World Funds Asian Short Duration Bonds 10:45 11:00 17:00
AXA World Funds Framlington Digital Economy 10:45 11:00 17:00
AXA World Funds Framlington Longevity Economy 10:45 11:00 17:00
AXA World Funds Framlington Robotech 10:45 11:00 17:00
AXA World Funds Framlington UK 10:45 11:00 22:00
AXA World Funds Global Inflation Bonds 10:45 11:00 17:00
Axiom Concentrated Global Growth Equity 10:45 11:00 21:00 the following business day
Baillie Gifford (All funds) 15:45 16:00 10:00 the following business day
Barclays UK Alpha 15:45 16:00 01:00 the following business day
Barclays Wealth Global Markets 1 10:45 11:00 23:00
Barclays Wealth Global Markets 2 10:45 11:00 23:00
Barclays Wealth Global Markets 3  10:45 11:00 23:00
Barclays Wealth Global Markets 4 10:45 11:00 23:00
Barclays Wealth Global Markets 5 10:45 11:00 23:00
Barings Emerging Markets Debt Blended Total Return 10:45 11:00 21:00
Barings Emerging Markets Debt Short Duration 10:45 11:00 21:00
Barings Emerging Markets Local Debt 10:45 11:00 21:00
Barings Emerging Markets Sovereign Debt 10:45 11:00 21:00
Barings European High Yield Bond 10:45 11:00 21:00
Barings U.S. High Yield Bond 10:45 11:00 20:00
BlackRock GF Asian Growth Leaders 09:45 10:00 15:00
BlackRock GF Circular Economy 09:45 10:00 15:00
BlackRock GF Continental European Flexible 09:45 10:00 15:00
BlackRock GF ESG Emerging Markets Bond  09:45 10:00 15:00
BlackRock GF European Equity Income  09:45 10:00 15:00
BlackRock GF FinTech 09:45 10:00 15:00
BlackRock GF Future of Transport 09:45 10:00 15:00
BlackRock GF India 09:45 10:00 15:00
BlackRock GF Next Generation Technology 09:45 10:00 15:00
BlackRock GF Nutrition 09:45 10:00 15:00
BlackRock GF Sustainable Energy 09:45 10:00 15:00
BlackRock GF US Flexible Equity 09:45 10:00 15:00
BlackRock GF World Bond 09:45 10:00 15:00
BlackRock GF World Healthscience 09:45 10:00 15:00
BlackRock GF World Mining 09:45 10:00 15:00
BlackRock GF World Technology 09:45 10:00 15:00
BlackRock Global Emerging Markets 10:45 11:00 23:45
BlackRock Global Impact 09:45 10:00 16:00
BlackRock ICS Sterling Government Liqudity 15:45 16:00 13:00 the following business day
BlackRock ICS Sterling Liquid Environmentally Aware 10:45 11:00 13:30
BlackRock ICS Sterling Liquidity 10:45 11:00 13:30
BlackRock MyMap 3 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
BlackRock MyMap 3 Select ESG 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
BlackRock MyMap 4 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
BlackRock MyMap 5 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
BlackRock MyMap 5 Select ESG  15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
BlackRock MyMap 6 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
BlackRock MyMap 7 Select ESG 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
BlackRock SF Emerging Markets Equity Strategies 09:45 10:00 15:00
BlackRock SF Fixed Income Strategies GBP  09:45 10:00 15:00
BlackRock SF Global Event Driven 09:45 10:00 15:00
BlackRock SF Macro Opportunities GBP  09:45 10:00 15:00
BlackRock SF Managed Index Portfolio Defensive  09:45 10:00 15:00
BlackRock SF Managed Index Portfolio Growth  09:45 10:00 15:00
BlackRock SF Managed Index Portfolio Moderate  09:45 10:00 15:00
Blenheim Diversified Alternatives  15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
Blenheim Diversified Fixed Income  15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
Blenheim Diversified Property  15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
Blenheim Ethical Opportunities  15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
Blenheim Overseas Equity  15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
Blenheim UK Equity  15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
Bluebay Financial Capital Bond  09:45 10:00 11:00
BlueBay Global High Yield Bond 09:45 10:00 12:00
BlueBay Global High Yield ESG Bond 09:45 10:00 11:00
BlueBay Impact-Aligned Bond 09:45 10:00 11:00
BNY Mellon (Ire) Absolute Return Global Convertible 10:45 11:00 22:00
BNY Mellon (Ire) Efficient Global High Yield Beta  10:45 11:00 22:00
BNY Mellon (Ire) Emerging Markets Debt Local Currency 10:45 11:00 22:00
BNY Mellon (Ire) Emerging Markets Debt Total Return 10:45 11:00 22:00
BNY Mellon (Ire) Global Credit 10:45 11:00 22:00
BNY Mellon (Ire) Global Short-Dated High Yield Bond 10:45 11:00 22:00
BNY Mellon (Ire) U.S. Equity Income 10:45 11:00 22:00
Brown Advisory Global Leaders 10:45 11:00 22:00
Brown Advisory Global Sustainable Total Return 10:45 11:00 22:00
Brown Advisory US Flexible Equity 10:45 11:00 22:00
Calamos Global Convertible 09:45 10:00 21:00
Canaccord Genuity Dynamic 10:45 11:00 23:00
Candriam Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral  09:45 10:00 14:00 the following business day
Candriam Bonds Global High Yield 09:45 10:00 14:00 the following business day
Candriam Equities L Oncology Impact 09:45 10:00 07:30 the following business day
Candriam Equities L Robotics & Innovative Technology 09:45 10:00 09:30
Candriam Sustainable Bond Euro Corporate 09:45 10:00 13:30
Candriam Sustainable Equity Emerging Markets 09:45 10:00 13:30 the following business day
Capital Group (UK) Global High Income Opportunities 10:45 11:00 21:00
Capital Group Global Corporate Bond 10:45 11:00 21:00
Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities 10:45 11:00 21:00
Capital Group Investment Company of America (LUX) 10:45 11:00 21:00
Capital Group Japan Equity 10:45 11:00 21:00
Capital Group World Dividend Growers 10:45 11:00 21:00
Carmignac Portfolio Climate Transition 15:45 16:00 21:00
Carmignac Portfolio Emergents 10:45 11:00 21:00
Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Discovery 15:45 16:00 17:00
Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Patrimoine 15:45 16:00 17:00
Carmignac Portfolio Global Bond 15:45 16:00 21:00
Carmignac Portfolio Global Bond GBP Hedged 15:45 16:00 21:00
Carmignac Portfolio Grande Europe 15:45 16:00 21:00
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine 10:45 11:00 21:00
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine GBP Hedged 10:45 11:00 21:00
CG Absolute Return 10:45 11:00 17:00 the following business day
CG Dollar 10:45 11:00 07:00 the following business day
CG Morningstar Multi Asset 40 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
CG Morningstar Multi Asset 60 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
CG Morningstar Multi Asset 80 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Chikara Indian Subcontinent  10:45 11:00 12:00 the following business day
Chikara Japan Income and Growth  10:45 11:00 12:00 the following business day
Close Balanced Portfolio 09:45 10:00 12:00
Close Conservative Portfolio 09:45 10:00 12:00
Close Diversified Income Portfolio 09:45 10:00 12:00
Close Growth Portfolio 09:45 10:00 12:00
Close Sustainable Select Fixed Income 09:45 10:00 12:00
Cohen & Steers Diversified Real Assets 15:45 16:00 11:00 the following business day
Comgest Growth Emerging Markets 15:45 16:00 23:59 the following business day
Comgest Growth Emerging Markets Plus 15:45 16:00 23:59 the following business day
Comgest Growth Europe ex UK 10:45 11:00 23:59
Comgest Growth Europe Opportunities 15:45 16:00 23:59 the following business day
Comgest Growth Europe Smaller Companies 15:45 16:00 23:59 the following business day
Comgest Growth Global 15:45 16:00 23:59 the following business day
Cooper Creek Partners North America Long Short Equity  10:45 11:00 23:59
COURTIERS Total Return Balanced Risk 10:45 11:00 22:00
COURTIERS Total Return Cautious Risk 10:45 11:00 22:00
COURTIERS Total Return Growth 10:45 11:00 22:00
CPR Invest Education 10:45 11:00 21:00
Credo Dynamic  10:45 11:00 22:00
Credo Global Equity 10:45 11:00 22:00
CT (IE) European Real Estate Securities 10:45 11:00 17:00
CT (Lux) Emerging Market ESG Equities 10:45 11:00 21:00
CT (Lux) Enhanced Commodities 10:45 11:00 22:00
CT (Lux) European Social Bond  10:45 11:00 21:15
CT (Lux) Global Corporate Bond 10:45 11:00 21:00
CT (Lux) Responsible Global Emerging Markets Equity 09:45 10:00 17:00
CT (Lux) SDG Engagement Global Equity 09:45 10:00 16:00
CT (Lux) UK Equity Income 10:45 11:00 21:00
CT (Lux) US Disciplined Core Equities 10:45 11:00 21:15
CT North American Equity 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
CT UK Equity-Linked Gilt 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
CT US Smaller Companies 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Cullen North American High Dividend Value Equity 10:45 11:00 22:00
Davy Defensive Equity Income  14:45 15:00 07:00 the following business day
Davy Discovery Equity  14:45 15:00 07:00 the following business day
Davy ESG Equity 14:45 15:00 07:00 the following business day
Davy Global Equity Income  14:45 15:00 07:00 the following business day
Davy Low Carbon Equity 14:45 15:00 07:00 the following business day
Davy UK GPS Balanced Growth  14:45 15:00 07:00 the following business day
Davy UK GPS Cautious Growth  14:45 15:00 07:00 the following business day
Davy UK GPS Defensive Growth 14:45 15:00 07:00 the following business day
Davy UK GPS Long-Term Growth  14:45 15:00 07:00 the following business day
Deuterium Global Dynamic Allocation 10:45 11:00 21:00
Dimensional Emerging Markets Sustainability Core Equity 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional Emerging Markets Targeted Value 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional Emerging Markets Value 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional European Small Companies 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional European Value 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional Global Core Equity 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional Global Core Fixed Income 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional Global Short Fixed Income 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional Global Short-Term Investment Grade Fixed Income 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional Global Small Companies 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional Global Sustainability Core Equity 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional Global Sustainability Fixed Income  14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional Global Sustainability Short Fixed Income 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional Global Targeted Value 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional Global Ultra Short Fixed Income 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional Global Value 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional Pacific Basin Small Companies 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional Sterling Inflation Linked Intermediate Duration Fixed Income 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional US Small Companies 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional World Allocation 20/80 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional World Allocation 40/60 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional World Allocation 60/40 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional World Allocation 80/20 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dimensional World Equity 14:45 15:00 21:00
Dodge & Cox Global Bond 15:45 16:00 21:00
Dodge & Cox Global Stock 15:45 16:00 21:00
Dodge & Cox US Stock 15:45 16:00 20:00
ECO Advisors ESG Absolute Return  14:45 15:00 13:30 the following business day
EdenTree Responsible and Sustainable Multi-Asset Balanced 09:45 10:00 12:00
EdenTree Responsible and Sustainable Multi-Asset Cautious 09:45 10:00 12:00
EdenTree Responsible and Sustainable Multi-Asset Growth 09:45 10:00 12:00
EPIC Financial Trends 10:45 11:00 16:30 the following business day
EPIC Global Equity 10:45 11:00 17:00
Evelyn Adventurous Portfolio 15:45 16:00 23:00
Evelyn Balanced Portfolio 15:45 16:00 23:00
Evelyn Cautious Portfolio 15:45 16:00 23:00
Evelyn Conservative Portfolio 15:45 16:00 23:00
Evelyn Defensive Portfolio 15:45 16:00 23:00
Evelyn Growth Portfolio 15:45 16:00 23:00
Evelyn Income Portfolio 15:45 16:00 23:00
Evelyn Maximum Growth Portfolio 15:45 16:00 23:00
Evelyn Multi-Asset Adventurous 15:45 16:00 23:00
Evelyn Multi-Asset Balanced 15:45 16:00 23:00
Evelyn Multi-Asset Growth 15:45 16:00 23:00
Evelyn Multi-Asset Maximum Growth 15:45 16:00 23:00
Evelyn Sustainable Adventurous Portfolio 15:45 16:00 23:00
Evelyn Sustainable Cautious Portfolio  15:45 16:00 23:00
Federated Hermes Absolute Return 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Federated Hermes Biodiversity Equity 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Federated Hermes Global Emerging Markets 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Federated Hermes Global Emerging Markets ex China Equity 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Federated Hermes Global Emerging Markets SMID Equity 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Federated Hermes Global Small Cap Equity 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Federated Hermes SDG Engagement Equity 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Federated Hermes SDG Engagement High Yield Credit  14:45 15:00 17:30  the following business day
Federated Hermes Sustainable Global Equity 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Federated Hermes Unconstrained Credit 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Federated Hermes US SMID Equity 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Fidelity (IE) MSCI Europe Index (Hedged)  10:45 11:00 23:00
Fidelity (IE) MSCI Japan Index (Hedged)  15:45 16:00 23:00 the following business day
Fidelity (IE) MSCI Pacific ex Japan Index (Hgd) 15:45 16:00 23:00 the following business day
Fidelity (IE) MSCI World Index (Hedged) 15:45 16:00 23:00 the following business day
Fidelity (Lux) America (Hedged) 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Asian Smaller Companies 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Asian Special Situations 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) China Consumer 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) China Innovation  10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Emerging Asia 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Emerging Market Total Return Debt 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Emerging Markets 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Emerging Markets 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) European Dividend 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) European Dynamic Growth 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) FAST Asia 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) FAST Emerging Markets 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Flexible Bond 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Global Dividend (Hedged) 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Global Financial Services 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Global Industries 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Global Inflation Linked Bond 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Global Technology 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Global Thematic Opportunities 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) International China Focus* 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) International Global Focus* 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) International India Focus* 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Latin America 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Sustainable Demographics 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Sustainable European Dividend Plus 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Sustainable Eurozone Equity 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Sustainable Future Connectivity 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Sustainable Global Dividend Plus 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Sustainable Global Equity Income  10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Sustainable Healthcare  10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Sustainable Japan Equity 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Sustainable Reduced Carbon Bond 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Sustainable Strategic Bond (QDIST Hdg) 10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity (Lux) Sustainable Water and Waste  10:45 11:00 17:00
Fidelity Alternative Listed Equity Feeder 10:45 11:00 22:00
Fiera Atlas Global Companies 10:45 11:00 21:00 the following business day
Findlay Park American  10:45 11:00 21:00
Fortem Capital Absolute Return 09:45 10:00 21:00
Fortem Capital Alternative Growth 09:45 10:00 21:00
Fortem Capital Progressive Growth 15:45 16:00 15:00 the following business day
FP Russell (All funds) 15:45 16:00 07:00 the following business day
Franklin India 15:45 16:00 21:00
FTGF Brandywine Global Fixed Income  15:45 16:00 21:00
FTGF Brandywine Global Opportunistic Fixed Income 15:45 16:00 21:00
FTGF ClearBridge Infrastructure Value 15:45 16:00 21:00
FTGF ClearBridge US Aggressive Growth  15:45 16:00 21:00
FTGF ClearBridge US Equity Sustainability Leaders  15:45 16:00 21:00
FTGF ClearBridge US Large Cap Growth 14:45 15:00 21:00
FTGF Royce US Small Cap Opportunity  15:45 16:00 21:00
FTGF Western Asset Macro Opportunities Bond 15:45 16:00 21:00
GA-Courtenay Special Situations  10:45 11:00 17:00 the following business day
GAM Multistock - Japan Equity 10:45 11:00 13:00 the following business day
GAM Star Continental European Equity 10:45 11:00 23:00
GAM STAR Credit Opportunities 15:45 16:00 22:00  the following business day
GAM Star Disruptive Growth  10:45 11:00 23:00
GAM Star Emerging Market Rates 10:45 11:00 23:00
GAM Star Global Balanced 15:45 16:00 23:00 the following business day
GAM Star Global Cautious 15:45 16:00 23:00 the following business day
GAM Star Global Defensive 15:45 16:00 23:00 the following business day
GAM Star Global Dynamic Growth 15:45 16:00 23:00 the following business day
GAM Star Global Growth 15:45 16:00 23:00 the following business day
GAM Star Global Rates 15:45 16:00 23:00 the following business day
GAM Star Japan Leaders 10:45 11:00 23:00
GAM Sustainable Climate Bond (Hdg) 15:45 16:00 23:00:00 the following buisness day
Goldman Sachs  Green Bond 10:45 11:00 22:00
Goldman Sachs Alternative Beta  10:45 11:00 22:00
Goldman Sachs Commodity Enhanced  10:45 11:00 22:00
Goldman Sachs Corporate Green Bond 10:45 11:00 22:00
Goldman Sachs Global Convertible Bond Opportunities 10:45 11:00 22:00
Goldman Sachs Green Bond Short Duration 10:45 11:00 22:00
Goldman Sachs Sovereign Green Bond 10:45 11:00 22:00
GQG Partners Emerging Market Equity 10:45 11:00 21:00
GQG PartnersGlobal Equity 10:45 11:00 21:00
Granahan US Focused Growth 15:45 16:00 20:00 the following business day
Granahan US SMID Select 15:45 16:00 20:00 the following business day
GS Asia Portfolio 10:45 11:00 15:00
GS Emerging Markets Equity ESG Portfolio  10:45 11:00 15:00
GS Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio 10:45 11:00 15:00
GS Global CORE Equity Portfolio (R share class Close)  10:45 11:00 23:45
GS Global Environmental Impact Equity Portfolio  10:45 11:00 20:00
GS Global Equity Partners ESG Portfolio  10:45 11:00 15:00
GS Global Millennials Equity Portfolio  10:45 11:00 15:00
GS Global Small Cap Core Equity Portfolio 10:45 11:00 15:00
GS India Equity Portfolio 10:45 11:00 15:00
GS Japan Equity Partners Portfolio 10:45 11:00 15:00
GS Japan Equity Portfolio 10:45 11:00 15:00
GS Wealthbuilder Global Multi-Asset Balanced Portfolio 09:45 10:00 15:00
GS Wealthbuilder Global Multi-Asset Conservative Portfolio 09:45 10:00 15:00
GS Wealthbuilder Global Multi-Asset Growth Portfolio 09:45 10:00 15:00
GSI Global Sustainable Focused Value 10:45 11:00 21:00
GSI Global Sustainable Value 10:45 11:00 21:00
Guinness Asian Equity Income  10:45 11:00 23:00
Guinness China A Share 10:45 11:00 23:00
Guinness Emerging Markets Equity Income  10:45 11:00 23:00
Guinness Global Energy 10:45 11:00 23:00
Guinness Global Innovators  10:45 11:00 23:00
Guinness Sustainable Global Equity  10:45 11:00 23:00
GVQ Opportunities 10:45 11:00 17:00
GVQ UK Focus 10:45 11:00 17:00
HC Snyder US All Cap Equity 10:45 11:00 21:00:00 the following business day
Heriot Global 15:45 16:00 08:00 the following business day
HSBC GF ICAV China Government Local Bond Index 10:45 11:00 23:00 the following business day
HSBC GF ICAV Global Government Bond Index 10:45 11:00 23:00 the following business day
HSBC GIF Brazil Equity 15:45 16:00 16:00 the following business day
HSBC GIF Euro High Yield Bond 15:45 16:00 16:00 the following business day
HSBC GIF Global Bond Total Return 15:45 16:00 16:00 the following business day
HSBC GIF Global Emerging Markets Equity 15:45 16:00 16:00 the following business day
HSBC GIF Global Emerging Markets Local Debt 15:45 16:00 16:00 the following business day
HSBC GIF Global Lower Carbon Bond 15:45 16:00 16:00 the following business day
HSBC GIF Global Lower Carbon Equity 15:45 16:00 16:00 the following business day
HSBC GIF Indian Equity 15:45 16:00 16:00 the following business day
HSBC GIF Russia Equity 15:45 16:00 16:00 the following business day
HSBC Islamic Global Equity Index 10:45 11:00 22:00
IFSL Marlborough Global Essential Infrastructure 15:45 16:00 23:59
IFSL Marlborough Global SmallCap 15:45 16:00 23:59
Impax Asian Environmental Markets (Ireland) 10:45 11:00 23:59
Impax Environmental Leaders (Ireland) 10:45 11:00 23:59
Impax Global Equity Opportunities (Ireland) 10:45 11:00 23:59
Impax Listed Infrastructure  (Ireland) 10:45 11:00 23:59
Invesco Summit Responsible 1 (UK) 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Invesco Summit Responsible 2 (UK) 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Invesco Summit Responsible 3 (UK) 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Invesco Summit Responsible 4 (UK) 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Invesco Summit Responsible 5 (UK) 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Iridian US Equity 14:45 15:00 16:30
iShares China CNY Bond Index (IE)  14:45 15:00 17:00 the following business day
iShares Developed Real Estate Index (IE)  10:45 11:00 17:00 the following business day
iShares Developed World ESG Screened Index (IE)  10:45 11:00 17:00 the following business day
iShares Developed World Index (IE)  10:45 11:00 17:00 the following business day
iShares Emerging Markets Government Bond Index (IE) 15:45 16:00 17:00 the following business day
iShares ESG Screened Global Corporate Bond Index  15:45 16:00 17:00 the following business day
iShares GiltTrak Index (IE)  15:45 16:00 17:00 the following business day
iShares Global Aggregate 1-5 Year Bond Index (IE) 15:45 16:00 17:00 the following business day
iShares Global Inflation-Linked Bond Index (IE) 14:45 15:00 23:00:00 the following buisness day
iShares Green Bond Index (IE)  14:45 15:00 17:00 the following business day
iShares UK Credit Bond Index (IE) 15:45 16:00 17:30the following business day
Janus Henderson (IE) Global Life Sciences 15:45 16:00 21:00
Janus Henderson (IE) Global Real Estate Equity Income 15:45 16:00 21:00
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Equity 15:45 16:00 16:00
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Natural Resources  10:45 11:00 15:00
Janus Henderson Multi-Manager Active 14:45 15:00 16:00
Janus Henderson Multi-Manager Managed 14:45 15:00 16:00
JPM (Lux) Climate Change Solutions 10:45 11:00 13:30
JPM (Lux) Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt 10:45 11:00 13:30
JPM (Lux) Emerging Markets Opportunities 10:45 11:00 13:30
JPM (Lux) Emerging Markets Strategic bond 10:45 11:00 13:30
JPM (Lux) Europe Sustainable Small Cap Equity 10:45 11:00 13:30
JPM (Lux) Global Bond Opportunities Sustainable 10:45 11:00 13:30
JPM (Lux) Global Convertibles  10:45 11:00 15:00
JPM (Lux) Global Corporate Bond 10:45 11:00 13:30
JPM (LUX) Global Government Bond 10:45 11:00 13:30
JPM (Lux) Global Government Short Duration Bond  09:45 10:00 18:30
JPM (Lux) Global Income Sustainable 10:45 11:00 13:30
JPM (Lux) Income Opportunity  10:45 11:00 15:00
JPM (Lux) Latin America Equity 10:45 11:00 13:30
Jupiter Global High Yield Bond 14:45 15:00 12:00 the following business day
Jupiter UK Smaller Companies Focus  14:45 15:00 16:30
Kayne Anderson Renewable Infrastructure UCITS 10:45 11:00 23:59 the following business day
KBI Global Energy Transition  09:45 10:00 21:00
KBI Global Resource Solutions 09:45 10:00 21:00
KBI Global Sustainable Infrastructure 10:45 11:00 21:00
KBI North America Equity 09:45 10:00 21:00
KBI Water 09:45 10:00 21:00
Kestrel Global Portfolio 10:45 11:00 22:00
Kopernik Global All Cap Equity 10:45 11:00 21:00
L&G Future World Climate Change Equity factors Index 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Future World ESG Developed Index  10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Future World ESG Multi-Index 6 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Future World ESG Multi-Index 7 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Global 100 Index Trust 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Global Equity Index 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Global Health & Pharmaceuticals Index Trust 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Global Inflation Linked Bond Index 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Global Infrastructure Index  10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Global Real Estate Dividend Index 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Global Robotics and Automation Index 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Global Thematic 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G International Index Trust 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Mixed Investment 40-85% 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Mixed Investment Income 0-35% 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Multi-Index 3 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Multi-Index 4 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Multi-Index 5 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Multi-Index 6 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Multi-Index 7 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Multi-Index Income 4 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Multi-Index Income 5 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Multi-Index Income 6 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Real Estate Dividend Index 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G Strategic Bond 10:45 11:00 15:00
L&G US Index Trust 10:45 11:00 15:00
Latitude Global  10:45 11:00 17:00
Latitude Horizon 10:45 11:00 23:59
Lazard Commodities 10:45 11:00 21:00
Lazard Emerging Markets Debt Blend 10:45 11:00 21:00
Lazard Emerging Markets Equity Advantage 10:45 11:00 21:00
Lazard Emerging Markets Total Return Debt  10:45 11:00 21:00
Lazard Global Convertibles Recovery 10:45 11:00 21:00
Lazard Global Equity Franchise 10:45 11:00 21:00
Lazard Global Listed Infrastructure Equity 10:45 11:00 21:00
Lazard Global Sustainable Equity 10:45 11:00 21:00
Lazard Global Thematic Focus 10:45 11:00 21:00
Levendi Thornbridge Defined Return 15:45 16:00 16:30 the following business day
LF Odey Absolute Return 15:45 16:00 10:00 the following business day
Liontrust GF European Strategic Equity 10:45 11:00 23:59
Liontrust GF High Yield Bond 10:45 11:00 23:45
Liontrust GF Sustainable Future US Growth 10:45 11:00 23:59
Liontrust GF Tortoise 10:45 11:00 21:00
Liontrust MA Blended Growth  10:45 11:00 08:00 the following business day
Liontrust MA Blended Intermediate  10:45 11:00 08:00 the following business day
Liontrust MA Blended Moderate  10:45 11:00 08:00 the following business day
Liontrust MA Blended Progressive  10:45 11:00 08:00 the following business day
Liontrust MA Blended Reserve  10:45 11:00 08:00 the following business day
Liontrust MA Dynamic Passive Adventurous  10:45 11:00 08:00 the following business day
Liontrust MA Dynamic Passive Growth  10:45 11:00 08:00 the following business day
Liontrust MA Dynamic Passive Intermediate 10:45 11:00 08:00 the following business day
Liontrust MA Dynamic Passive Moderate 10:45 11:00 08:00 the following business day
Liontrust MA Dynamic Passive Progressive 10:45 11:00 08:00 the following business day
Liontrust MA Dynamic Passive Reserve 10:45 11:00 08:00 the following business day
Liontrust MA Explorer 100 10:45 11:00 08:00 the following business day
Liontrust MA Explorer 35  10:45 11:00 08:00 the following business day
Liontrust MA Explorer 70  10:45 11:00 08:00 the following business day
Liontrust MA Explorer 85  10:45 11:00 08:00 the following business day
Liontrust MA Explorer Income 45  10:45 11:00 08:00 the following business day
Liontrust MA Explorer Income 60  10:45 11:00 08:00 the following business day
Liontrust Tortoise 10:45 11:00 22:00
Lombard Odier Funds - Asia High Conviction 10:45 11:00 21:00 the following business day
Lombard Odier Funds – Asia Value Bond 10:45 11:00 17:00 the following business day
Lombard Odier Funds - China High Conviction  10:45 11:00 17:00 the following business day
Lombard Odier Funds - Climate Transition 10:45 11:00 21:00 the following business day
Lombard Odier Funds - Convertible Bond 10:45 11:00 21:00 the following business day
Lombard Odier Funds - Emerging High Conviction 10:45 11:00 21:00 the following business day
Lombard Odier Funds – Euro BBB-BB Fundamental 09:45 10:00 17:00
Lombard Odier Funds – Global Climate Bond 10:45 11:00 21:00 the following business day
Lombard Odier Funds – Global FinTech 10:45 11:00 21:00 the following business day
Lombard Odier Funds - Golden Age 10:45 11:00 21:00 the following business day
Lombard Odier Funds - Natural Capital 10:45 11:00 21:00 the following business day
Lombard Odier Funds – Short-Term Money Market  10:45 11:00 17:00
Lombard Odier Funds - TargetNetZero Euorpe Equity  10:45 11:00 21:00
Lombard Odier Funds - Transition Materials  10:45 11:00 21:00 the following business day
Lombard Odier Funds – World Brands 10:45 11:00 21:00 the following business day
Lombard Odier Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities 10:45 11:00 21:00 the following business day
Lord Abbett Climate Focused Bond 14:45 15:00 21:00
Lord Abbett High Yield 14:45 15:00 21:00
Lord Abbett Innovation Growth 14:45 15:00 20:00
Lord Abbett Short Duration Income  14:45 15:00 21:00
Lowes UK Defined Strategy 15:45 16:00 17:00 the following business day
Luxembourg Selection – Active Solar 10:45 11:00 15:00 the following business day
Macquarie Sustainable Global Listed Infrastructure 09:45 10:00 21:00
Magna EM Income and Growth 10:45 11:00 22:00  the following business day
Magna New Frontiers 10:45 11:00 22:00  the following business day
Majedie Asset Management US Equity  14:45 15:00 22:00
Man Dynamic Allocation 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Man Dynamic Allocation  15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
MAN GLG Asia (ex Japan) Equity 10:45 11:00 21:00
Man GLG Dynamic Income 10:45 11:00 21:00
Man GLG Global Investment Grade Opportunities 10:45 11:00 21:00
Man GLG Japan Core Alpha Equity 10:45 11:00 13:00
MAN Numeric Europe RI Climate 10:45 11:00 23:00
Manulife (Lux) Sustainable Asia Bond 10:45 11:00 15:00
Margetts International Strategy 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
Margetts Providence Strategy 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
Margetts Select Strategy 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
Margetts Venture Strategy 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
Matthews Asia - Asia Small Companies 09:45 10:00 13:00
Matthews Asia - China 09:45 10:00 13:00
Matthews Asia - China Small Companies 09:45 10:00 13:00
Matthews Asia - India 09:45 10:00 13:00
Matthews Asia - Japan  09:45 10:00 13:00
Matthews Asia - Pacific Tiger 09:45 10:00 13:00
MGTS Future Money Dynamic Growth 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
MGTS Future Money Income 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
MGTS Future Money Real Growth 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
MGTS Future Money Real Value 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
MGTS IDAD Future Wealth 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
MGTS IDAD Refined Growth 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
MGTS Progeny Dynamic Bond 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
MGTS Progeny Dynamic Equity 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
MGTS Progeny ProFolio Global 30-50% Shares 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
MGTS Progeny ProFolio Global 50-70% Shares 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
MGTS Progeny ProFolio Global 70-90% Shares 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
MGTS Progeny ProFolio Model 30-50% Shares 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
MGTS Progeny ProFolio Model 50-70% Shares 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
MGTS Progeny ProFolio Model 70-90% Shares 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
MGTS Progeny Systematic Bond 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
MGTS Progeny Systematic Equity 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
MGTS Qualis Defensive 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
MGTS Qualis Growth 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
MI Chelverton UK Equity Income 15:45 16:00 10:00 the following business day
MI TwentyFour Dynamic Bond 14:45 15:00 18:00
MI TwentyFour Monument Bond 14:45 15:00 16:30
Mirabaud Discovery Europe 09:45 10:00 17:00
Mirabaud Discovery Europe Ex-UK 09:45 10:00 17:00
Mirabaud Equities Asia Ex Japan 09:45 10:00 17:00  the following business day
Mirabaud Equities Global Emerging Markets 09:45 10:00 17:00  the following business day
Mirabaud Equities Swiss Small and Mid 09:45 10:00 17:00
Mirabaud Global Emerging Market Bond 09:45 10:00 17:00
Mirabaud Global Equity High Income 09:45 10:00 23:59
Mirabaud Global Short Duration 09:45 10:00 17:00
Mirabaud Sustainable Convertibles Global 09:45 10:00 17:00
Mirabaud Sustainable Global Focus 09:45 10:00 17:00
Mirabaud Sustainable Global Strategic Bond 09:45 10:00 23:59
Mirova Euro Short Term Sustainable Bond 10:45 11:00 20:00
Mirova Global Green Bond 10:45 11:00 21:00
Mirova Global Sustainable Equity 15:45 16:00 21:00 the following business day
Momentum GF Global Sustainable Equity  10:45 11:00 18:00
Montanaro European Smaller Companies 10:45 11:00 16:00
Montanaro Global Innovation 10:45 11:00 16:00
Morgan Stanley (Lux) Asia Opportunities 10:45 11:00 15:00
Morgan Stanley (Lux) Emerging Markets Debt Opportunities  10:45 11:00 15:00
Morgan Stanley (Lux) Emerging Markets Local Income 10:45 11:00 15:00
Morgan Stanley (Lux) US Advantage 10:45 11:00 15:00
Muzinich Asia Credit Opportunities 14:45 15:00 22:00
Muzinich Global Short Duration Investment Grade  14:45 15:00 22:00
Muzinich Global Tactical Credit 14:45 15:00 22:00
Muzinich Short Duration High Yield  14:45 15:00 22:00
Natixis Loomis Sayles Global Growth Equity 10:45 11:00 16:00
Natixis Thematics AI and Robotics 10:45 11:00 17:00
Natixis Thematics Meta 10:45 11:00 16:00
Natixis Thematics Safety Acc 10:45 11:00 17:00
Natixis Thematics Subscription Economy 10:45 11:00 17:00
Natixis Thematics Water 10:45 11:00 15:00
Nedgroup Investments Balanced MultiFund 10:45 11:00 23:00
Nedgroup Investments Global Cautious 14:45 15:00 23:00
Nedgroup Investments Global Equity 14:45 15:00 23:00
Nedgroup Investments Global Flexible 14:45 15:00 23:00
Nedgroup Investments Growth MultiFund 10:45 11:00 23:00
Nedgroup Investments Income MultiFund 10:45 11:00 23:00
Neuberger Berman 5G Connectivity  10:45 11:00 22:00
Neuberger Berman Commodities 09:45 10:00 22:00
Neuberger Berman Emerging Market Debt Blend 10:45 11:00 22:00
Neuberger Berman Emerging Market Debt Hard Currency 10:45 11:00 22:00
Neuberger Berman Emerging Markets Equity 10:45 11:00 22:00
Neuberger Berman Emerging Mkt Debt Local Currency 10:45 11:00 22:00
Neuberger Berman Global Opportunistic Bond 10:45 11:00 22:00
Neuberger Berman High Yield Bond 10:45 11:00 22:00
Neuberger Berman Japan Equity Engagement 10:45 11:00 22:00
Neuberger Berman Short Duration Emerging Market Debt 10:45 11:00 22:00
Neuberger Berman Systematic Global Sustainable Value 10:45 11:00 22:00
Neuberger Berman US Equity Index Putwrite 10:45 11:00 22:00
Neuberger Berman US Small Cap Intrinsic Value 10:45 11:00 22:00
New Capital China Equity 15:45 16:00 23:00 the following business day
New Capital Dynamic European Equity 14:45 15:00 23:00
New Capital Global Value Credit 14:45 15:00 23:00
New Capital US Growth 14:45 15:00 23:00
New Capital Wealthy Nations Bond 14:45 15:00 23:00
Newscape Diversified Growth 10:45 11:00 17:00
Newton Managed Targeted Return 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Nikko AM Japan Value  10:45 11:00 21:00 the following business day
Ninety One Guernsey Limited 14:45 15:00 21:00
Nomura Asia Ex-Japan High Conviction 10:45 11:00 15:00
Nomura Emerging Market Local Currency Debt 10:45 11:00 15:00
Nomura Global Dynamic Bond 09:45 10:00 15:00
Nomura Global High Conviction  10:45 11:00 15:00
Nomura Global Sustainable Equity 09:45 10:00 15:00
Nomura Global Sustainable High Yield Bond 10:45 11:00 15:00
Nomura Japan Strategic Value 10:45 11:00 15:00
Nomura US High Yield Bond 10:45 11:00 15:00
Nordea 1 – Emerging Stars Equity 10:45 11:00 15:00
Nordea 1 - Emerging Wealth Equity 10:45 11:00 15:00
Nordea 1 - European High Yield Bond (Hdg) 10:45 11:00 15:00
Nordea 1 - European Stars Equity 10:45 11:00 15:00
Nordea 1 – GBP Diversified Return 10:45 11:00 15:00
Nordea 1 – Global Diversity Engagement 10:45 11:00 15:00
Nordea 1 – Global Impact 10:45 11:00 15:00
Nordea 1 - Global Stars Equity 10:45 11:00 15:00
Nordea 1 - Low Duration European Covered Bond 10:45 11:00 15:00
Nordea 1 - Nordic Stars Equity 10:45 11:00 15:00
Nordea 1 - North American Stars Equity 10:45 11:00 15:00
NT Emerging Markets Custom ESG Equity Index 10:45 11:00 17:00 the following business day
NT Emerging Markets Green Transition Index 10:45 11:00 16:00 the following business day
NT Quality Low Vol Low Carbon World Feeder 10:45 11:00 17:00 the following business day
NT World Small Cap ESG Low Carbon Index Feeder  10:45 11:00 17:00 the following business day
Nutshell Growth 10:45 11:00 18:00 the following business day
Oaktree Global High Yield Bond 10:45 11:00 16:00
Oaktree Global High Yield Responsible 10:45 11:00 16:00
Odey Allegra Developed Markets 10:45 11:00 23:00
OMBA Moderate Risk Global Allocation 15:45 16:00 22:00 the following business day
Orbis OEIC Global Cautious 15:45 16:00 21:30
Orbis OIEC Global Balanced 15:45 16:00 21:30
Orbis OIEC Global Equity 15:45 16:00 21:30
Overstone Global Equity Income 15:45 16:00 22:30
Pacific G10 Macro Rates  10:45 11:00 21:00 the following business day
Pacific Longevity and Social Change  10:45 11:00 21:00 the following business day
Pacific Multi Asset Accumulator Conservative 15:45 16:00 21:00 the following business day
Pacific Multi Asset Accumulator Core 15:45 16:00 21:00 the following business day
Pacific Multi Asset Accumulator Defensive 15:45 16:00 21:00 the following business day
Pacific Multi Asset Accumulator Plus 15:45 16:00 21:00 the following business day
Pacific North of South EM All Cap Equity 10:45 11:00 21:00 the following business day
Pareto ESG Global Corporate Bond 09:45 10:00 18:00
Pareto Nordic Corporate Bond 09:45 10:00 09:00 the following business day
PGIM Absolute Return Bond 10:45 11:00 21:00
PGIM Broad Market US High Yield Bond 10:45 11:00 21:00
PGIM Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt 10:45 11:00 21:00
PGIM European High Yield Bond 10:45 11:00 21:00
PGIM Global Corporate Bond 10:45 11:00 21:00
PGIM Global High Yield Bond 10:45 11:00 21:00
PGIM Global Select Real Estate Securities 10:45 11:00 21:00
PGIM Global Total Return ESG Bond 10:45 11:00 21:00
PGIM Jennison Global Equity Opportunities  10:45 11:00 16:00
PGIM Jennison US Growth 10:45 11:00 17:00
PGIM QMAW Keynes Systematic Absolute Return 10:45 11:00 21:00
Pictet Absolute Return Fixed Income  09:45 10:00 17:00
Pictet Asian Equities Ex Japan 10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet Asian Local Currency Debt 10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet Biotech 10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet China 09:45 10:00 17:00 the following business day
Pictet China Equities 10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet Chinese Local Currency Debt 10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet Clean Energy 10:45 11:00 15:00
Pictet Climate Government Bonds 10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet Emerging Corporate Bonds 10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet Emerging Local Currency Debt* 10:45 11:00 15:00
Pictet Emerging Markets  10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet Emerging Markets Index 09:45 10:00 17:00 the following business day
Pictet Emerging Markets Multi Asset 10:45 11:00 17:00 the following business day
Pictet Euroland Index* 09:45 10:00 15:00
Pictet Family  10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet Global Emerging Debt  10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet Global Environmental Opportunities  09:45 10:00 15:00
Pictet Global High Yield 10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet Global Megatrend Selection 10:45 11:00 15:00
Pictet Global Sustainable Credit  10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet Health 10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet Human 10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet Indian Equities 10:45 11:00 15:00
Pictet Japan Index* 09:45 10:00 14:00 the following business day
Pictet Japanese Equity Selection 10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet Japanese Equity Opportunities 10:45 11:00 15:00
Pictet Multi Asset Global Opportunities 10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet Pacific (ex Japan) Index* 09:45 10:00 15:00
Pictet Premium Brands 10:45 11:00 15:00
Pictet Quest Europe Sustainable Equities 10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet Quest Global Sustainable Equities 10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet Russian Equities 10:45 11:00 15:00
Pictet Security 10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet Short Term Emerging Corporate Bonds 10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet Short-Term Emerging Local Currency Debt  10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet SmartCity* 10:45 11:00 15:00
Pictet Strategic Credit 10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet Sustainable Emerging Debt Blend 10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet Timber 10:45 11:00 17:00
Pictet USA Index* 09:45 10:00 12:30
Pictet Water 10:45 11:00 15:00
Pimco Asia High Yield Bond  15:45 16:00 21:00 the following business day
PIMCO Capital Securities 14:45 15:00 21:00
PIMCO Climate Bond 14:45 15:00 21:00
PIMCO Commodity Real Return 14:45 15:00 21:00
PIMCO Diversified Income Duration 14:45 15:00 21:00
PIMCO Dynamic Bond  14:45 15:00 21:00
PIMCO Dynamic Multi-Asset  14:45 15:00 21:00
PIMCO Emerging Markets Bond  14:45 15:00 21:00
PIMCO ESG Income  14:45 15:00 21:00
PIMCO Global Bond  14:45 15:00 21:00
PIMCO Global Bond ESG  14:45 15:00 21:00
PIMCO Global High Yield Bond  14:45 15:00 21:00
PIMCO Global Investment Grade Credit 14:45 15:00 21:00
PIMCO Global Investment Grade Credit ESG  14:45 15:00 21:00
PIMCO Global Low Duration Global Investment Grade Credit  14:45 15:00 21:00
PIMCO Global Low Duration Real Return 14:45 15:00 21:00
PIMCO Global Real Return  14:45 15:00 21:00
PIMCO Inflation Multi-Asset  14:45 15:00 21:00
PIMCO Low Average Duration  14:45 15:00 21:00
PIMCO Low Duration Opportunities 14:45 15:00 21:00
PIMCO Mortgate Opportunites 14:45 15:00 21:00
PIMCO Select UK Income Bond 14:45 15:00 21:00
Pimco Total Return Bond 14:45 15:00 21:00
PIMCO TRENDS Managed Futures Strategy 14:45 15:00 21:00
Pimco US Investment Grade Corporate Bond 14:45 15:00 21:00
PineBridge Global Emerging Markets SDG Corporate Bond 10:45 11:00 21:00
Polar Capital Asian Stars 14:45 15:00 17:00
Polar Capital Biotechnology 14:45 15:00 21:00
Polar Capital China Stars 10:45 11:00 23:59:00 the following business day
Polar Capital Emerging Markets Stars 10:45 11:00 15:00 the following business day
Polar Capital European (EX UK) Income 15:45 16:00 23:59
Polar Capital Global Insurance 15:45 16:00 23:59
Polar Capital Global Technology 15:45 16:00 23:59
Polar Capital Healthcare Blue Chip 10:45 11:00 17:00
Polar Capital Japan Value 10:45 11:00 23:59:00 the following business day
Polar Capital North American 15:45 16:00 23:59
Polar Capital Smart Energy 10:45 11:00 23:59
Polar Capital Smart Mobility 10:45 11:00 23:59
Polen Capital Focus U.S. Growth  10:45 11:00 21:00
Prima Adventurous 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
Prima Balanced 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
Prima Cautious 15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
Principal Asset Allocation 10:45 11:00 21:15 the following business day
Protea Fund - Veritas Core Equity With Fixed Income  10:45 11:00 17:00
Protea Fund - Veritas High Equity  10:45 11:00 17:00
Pyrford Global Total Return (Sterling) 09:45 10:00 12:00
Pzena Emerging Markets Focus Value 10:45 11:00 23:59
Pzena Global Value 15:45 16:00 15:00 the following business day
QCG Partners US Equity 10:45 11:00 21:00
Quaero Capital (Lux) Cullen ESG US Value 10:45 11:00 17:00
Raymond James Reams Unconstrained Bond (Hedged) 10:45 11:00 17:00
Redwheel Asia Convertibles (Hedged) 10:45 11:00 17:30 the following business day
Redwheel Enhanced Income 10:45 11:00 17:00 the following business day
Redwheel Global Convertibles 10:45 11:00 17:00
Redwheel Global Emerging Markets 10:45 11:00 17:00
Redwheel Next Generation Emerging Markets Equity  10:45 11:00 17:00
Redwheel Nissay Japan Focus  10:45 11:00 17:00 the following business day
Redwheel Responsible Global Income 10:45 11:00 17:30
River and Mercantile (All funds) 09:45 10:00 11:45
RobeccoSAM Climate Global Bonds 10:45 11:00 17:30
Robeco BP Global Premium Equities 10:45 11:00 10:00 the following business day
Robeco Emerging Stars Equity 10:45 11:00 10:00 the following business day
Robeco Financial Institutions Bonds  10:45 11:00 17:00
Robeco FinTech  10:45 11:00 17:00
Robeco Global Consumer Trends 10:45 11:00 17:00
Robeco Global Credits 10:45 11:00 10:00 the following business day
Robeco Global Credits-Short Maturity 10:45 11:00 17:00
Robeco High Yield Bonds 10:45 11:00 17:00
Robeco QI Dynamic High Yield 10:45 11:00 10:00 the following business day
Robeco QI Emerging Conservative Equities  10:45 11:00 17:00
Robeco QI Global Dynamic Duration 10:45 11:00 17:00
Robeco QI Global Multi-Factor Credits 10:45 11:00 17:00
Robeco QI Global Value Equities 10:45 11:00 17:00
Robeco Sustainable Emrging Stars Equities 10:45 11:00 17:00
Robeco Sustainable European Stars Equities 10:45 11:00 17:00
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars Equities 10:45 11:00 17:00
Robeco Sustainable Property Equities 10:45 11:00 17:00
RobecoSAM Climate Global Credits 10:45 11:00 17:00
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits 10:45 11:00 17:30
RobecoSAM Global Gender Equality Equities 10:45 11:00 17:00
RobecoSAM Global SDG Credits 10:45 11:00 17:30
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income 10:45 11:00 17:00
RobecoSAM SDG High Yield Bonds  10:45 11:00 17:00
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 10:45 11:00 17:30
RobecoSAM Smart Materials Equities  10:45 11:00 17:30
RobecoSAM Sustainable Healthy Living Equities  10:45 11:00 17:00
RobecoSAM Sustainable Water Equities 10:45 11:00 17:00
Rockefeller US Equity ESG Improvers UCITS 15:45 16:00 21:00 the following business day
Royal London Absolute Return Government Bond 15:45 16:00 17:00
Royal London Global Bond Opportunities  15:45 16:00 17:00
Royal London Global High Yield Bond 15:45 16:00 17:00
Royal London Global Sustainable Credit 15:45 16:00 17:00
Royal London GMAP Adventurous 15:45 16:00 14:00 the following business day
Royal London GMAP Balanced 15:45 16:00 14:00 the following business day
Royal London GMAP Conservative 15:45 16:00 14:00 the following business day
Royal London GMAP Defensive 15:45 16:00 14:00 the following business day
Royal London GMAP Growth 15:45 16:00 14:00 the following business day
Royal London Short Duration Global High Yield Bond 15:45 16:00 17:00
Royal London Sterling Extra Yield Bond 15:45 16:00 17:00
Russell Investments Japan Equity 10:45 11:00 17:00
Sands Capital Emerging Markets Growth 15:45 16:00 21:00 the following business day
Sands Capital US Select Growth  14:45 15:00 21:00
Sanlam Active UK 10:45 11:00 23:59
Sanlam Global Artificial Intelligence 10:45 11:00 23:59
Sanlam Global High Quality 10:45 11:00 23:59
Sanlam Global Inflation Linked Bond 15:45 16:00 23:45
Sanlam International Inflation Linked Bond  10:45 11:00 23:59
Sanlam Real Assets 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Sanlam Short Duration Corporate Bond 10:45 11:00 23:59
Santander Atlas Income Portfolio 09:45 10:00 12:00
Santander Atlas Portfolio 3 09:45 10:00 12:00
Santander Atlas Portfolio 4 09:45 10:00 12:00
Santander Atlas Portfolio 5 09:45 10:00 12:00
Santander Atlas Portfolio 6 09:45 10:00 12:00
Santander Atlas Portfolio 7 09:45 10:00 12:00
Sarasin IE GlobalSar Dynamic 10:45 11:00 16:00
Schroder Global Equity  14:45 15:00 16:00
Schroder Global Sustainable Value Equity  14:45 15:00 16:00
Schroder ISF Asian Total Return 10:45 11:00 13:00
Schroder ISF BlueOrchard Emerging Markets Climate Bond  10:45 11:00 13:00
Schroder ISF Emerging Markets Value  10:45 11:00 14:00
Schroder ISF Euro Corporate Bond 10:45 11:00 14:00
Schroder ISF Europea Sustainable Equity 10:45 11:00 13:00
Schroder ISF Global Climate Change Equity 10:45 11:00 14:00
Schroder ISF Global Dividend Maximiser 10:45 11:00 13:00
Schroder ISF Global Energy  10:45 11:00 14:00
Schroder ISF Global Energy Transitiion  10:45 11:00 15:00
Schroder ISF Global Multi-Asset Income 10:45 11:00 14:00
Schroder ISF Global Sustainable Food and Water  10:45 11:00 14:00
Schroder ISF Global Sustainable Growth 10:45 11:00 14:00
Schroder ISF QEP Global ESG 10:45 11:00 13:00
Schroder ISF Securitised Credit  10:45 11:00 14:00
Schroder ISF Sustainable Multi-Asset Income 10:45 11:00 14:00
SEI (All Global Asset funds)* 09:45 10:00 21:00
SEI (All Global Master funds)* 10:45 11:00 21:30
Seilern America 10:45 11:00 09.30 the following business day
Seilern World Growth 10:45 11:00 21:00
Semper Total Return  14:45 15:00 21:00
Smead US Value UCITS 14:45 15:00 21:00
Smith & Williamson Artificial Intelligence 15:45 16:00 23:59
Smith & Williamson Short Dated Corporate Bond 15:45 16:00 23:59
Spyglass US Growth 10:45 11:00 21:00 the following business day
Stonehage Fleming Global Best Ideas Equity 10:45 11:00 23:00
T. Rowe Price (Lux) Asian ex-Japan Equity 10:45 11:00 15:00
T. Rowe Price (Lux) Asian Opportunities Equity 10:45 11:00 15:00
T. Rowe Price (lux) Asian Opportunities Equity 10:45 11:00 15:00
T. Rowe Price (Lux) Continental European Equity  10:45 11:00 15:00
T. Rowe Price (Lux) Dynamic Global Bond 10:45 11:00 15:00
T. Rowe Price (Lux) Emerging Markets Corporate Bond 10:45 11:00 15:00
T. Rowe Price (Lux) Emerging Markets Equity 10:45 11:00 15:00
T. Rowe Price (Lux) European Smaller Companies Equity 10:45 11:00 15:00
T. Rowe Price (Lux) Global Focused Growth Equity  10:45 11:00 15:00
T. Rowe Price (Lux) Global Growth Equity 10:45 11:00 15:00
T. Rowe Price (Lux) Global High Income Bond 10:45 11:00 15:00
T. Rowe Price (Lux) Global Natural Resources Equity 10:45 11:00 15:00
T. Rowe Price (Lux) Global Value Equity 10:45 11:00 15:00
T. Rowe Price (Lux) Japanese Equity 10:45 11:00 15:00
T. Rowe Price (Lux) US Aggregate Bond 10:45 11:00 15:00
T. Rowe Price (Lux) US Equity 10:45 11:00 15:00
T. Rowe Price (Lux) US Large Cap Growth Equity 10:45 11:00 15:00
T. Rowe Price (Lux) US Smaller Companies Equity 10:45 11:00 15:00
Team International Equity 10:45 11:00 21:00
Templeton China 15:45 16:00 21:00
Templeton Emerging Markets Bond 15:45 16:00 21:00
Templeton Emerging Markets Sustainability 15:45 16:00 21:00
Templeton Global Bond  15:45 16:00 21:00
Templeton Global Climate Change 15:45 16:00 21:00
Templeton Latin America  15:45 16:00 21:00
The MI Hawksmoor Distribution Fund 15:45 16:00 10:00 the following business day
The MI Hawksmoor Global Opportunities 15:45 16:00 10:00 the following business day
The MI Hawksmoor Vanbrugh Fund 15:45 16:00 10:00 the following business day
The NT Global Bond 1-5 Years ESG Climate Index 10:45 11:00 17:00 the following business day
The NT Global Bond ESG Climate Index 10:45 11:00 17:00 the following business day
TM Cavendish International  09:45 10:00 12:00
TM Cavendish Opportunities 09:45 10:00 12:00
TM Veritas Equity Strategy 14:45 15:00 22:30
TOBAM Anti-Benchmark World Equity 09:45 10:00 21:00 the following business day
Triodos Global Equities Impact 10:45 11:00 07:00 the following business day
Triodos Pioneer Impact 10:45 11:00 07:00 the following business day
Triodos Sterling Bond Impact 10:45 11:00 08:00 the following business day
Trium ESG Emissions Improvers  09:45 10:00 22:00
Trium Sustainable Innovators Global Equity  10:45 11:00 22:00
TT Environmental Solutions 15:45 16:00 23:59 the following business day
TwentyFour Asset Backed Income  14:45 15:00 18:00
TwentyFour Corporate Bond 14:45 15:00 18:00
TwentyFour Focus Bond 14:45 15:00 18:00
TwentyFour Sustainable Short Term Bond Income 10:45 11:00 14:45
UBAM Biodiversity Restoration  10:45 11:00 17:30 (NB:-Trade is placed the following business day - refer to Prospectus)
UBAM Positive Impact Emerging Equity  10:45 11:00 17:30 (NB:-Trade is placed two business days following VP - refer to Prospectus)
UBAM Positive Impact Equity  10:45 11:00 17:30 (NB:-Trade is placed the following business day - refer to Prospectus)
UBAM Swiss Equity  10:45 11:00 17:00 (NB:-Trade is placed the following business day - refer to Prospectus)
UBS (IRL) IS Currency Allocation Return Strategy 09:45 10:00 22:45
UBS (Lux) Asian Smaller Companies 15:45 16:00 21:00
UBS (Lux) China Fixed Income 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
UBS (Lux) European High Dividend Sustainable 10:45 11:00 23:59
UBS (Lux) Full Cycle Asian Bond 10:45 11:00 23:45
UBS FTSE RAFI Developed 1000 Index 10:45 11:00 23:59
UBS Global Emerging Markets Equity 10:45 11:00 14:45
UBS S+P 500 Index  10:45 11:00 23:59
Unicorn Mastertrust 15:45 16:00 10:00 the following business day
Unicorn Outstanding British Companies 15:45 16:00 10:00 the following business day
Unicorn UK Ethical Income 15:45 16:00 10:00 the following business day
Unicorn UK Growth 15:45 16:00 10:00 the following business day
Unicorn UK Income 15:45 16:00 10:00 the following business day
Unicorn UK Smaller Companies 15:45 16:00 10:00 the following business day
UTI India Dynamic Equity 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Vanguard (IE) Emerging Markets Bond 10:45 11:00 21:00
Vanguard (IE) Emerging Markets Stock Index 14:45 15:00 21:00 the following business day
Vanguard (IE) ESG Developed World All Cap Equity Index 14:45 15:00 21:00 the following business day
Vanguard (IE) ESG Emerging Markets All Cap Equity Index 14:45 15:00 21:00
Vanguard (IE) ESG Global Corporate Bond Index 10:45 11:00 21:00
Vanguard (IE) Euro Government Bond Index 10:45 11:00 21:00
Vanguard (IE) Global Bond Index 09:45 10:00 21:00
Vanguard (IE) Global Corporate Bond Index 09:45 10:00 21:00
Vanguard (IE) Global Credit Bond  10:45 11:00 21:00
Vanguard (IE) Global Short-Term Bond Index 10:45 11:00 23:00
Vanguard (IE) Global Short-Term Corporate Bond Index 10:45 11:00 21:00
Vanguard (IE) Global Small-Cap Index 14:45 15:00 21:00 the following business day
Vanguard (IE) Japan Government Bond Index 14:45 15:00 18:15
Vanguard (IE) Japan Stock Index 14:45 15:00 10:00 the following business day
Vanguard (IE) Pacific ex Japan Stock Index 14:45 15:00 10:00 the following business day
Vanguard (IE) SRI European Stock 09:45 10:00 16:30
Vanguard (IE) UK Government Bond Index 10:45 11:00 16:30
Vanguard (IE) UK Short-Term Investment Grade Bond Index 10:45 11:00 16:15
Vanguard (IE) US Government Bond Index GBP 10:45 11:00 21:30
Vanguard (IE) US Investment Grade Credit Index 10:45 11:00 21:00
Vanguard ESG Developed World All Cap Equity Index 10:45 11:00 21:00
Vanguard FTSE 100 Index 10:45 11:00 16:30
Vanguard FTSE Developed Europe ex UK Equity Index 10:45 11:00 16:00
Vanguard FTSE Developed World ex UK Equity Index 10:45 11:00 21:00
Vanguard FTSE Global All Cap Index 10:45 11:00 21:00
Vanguard FTSE UK All Share Index Unit Trust 10:45 11:00 16:30
Vanguard FTSE UK Equity Income Index 10:45 11:00 16:30
Vanguard Global Emerging Markets 10:45 11:00 21:00
Vanguard Global Equity  10:45 11:00 21:00
Vanguard Global Equity Income  10:45 11:00 21:00
Vanguard Global Sustainable Equity 10:45 11:00 21:00
Vanguard LifeStrategy 100% Equity 15:45 16:00 21:00 the following business day
Vanguard LifeStrategy 20% Equity 15:45 16:00 21:00 the following business day
Vanguard LifeStrategy 40% Equity 15:45 16:00 21:00 the following business day
Vanguard LifeStrategy 60% Equity 15:45 16:00 21:00 the following business day
Vanguard LifeStrategy 80% Equity 15:45 16:00 21:00 the following business day
Vanguard Sterling Short-Term Money Market  15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Vanguard SustainableLife 40-50% Equity 10:45 11:00 21:00
Vanguard SustainableLife 60-70% Equity 10:45 11:00 21:00
Vanguard SustainableLife 80-90% Equity  10:45 11:00 21:00
Vanguard Target Retirement 2015 15:45 16:00 21:00 the following business day
Vanguard Target Retirement 2020 15:45 16:00 21:00 the following business day
Vanguard Target Retirement 2025 15:45 16:00 21:00 the following business day
Vanguard Target Retirement 2030 15:45 16:00 21:00 the following business day
Vanguard Target Retirement 2035 15:45 16:00 21:00 the following business day
Vanguard Target Retirement 2040 15:45 16:00 21:00 the following business day
Vanguard Target Retirement 2045 15:45 16:00 21:00 the following business day
Vanguard Target Retirement 2050 15:45 16:00 21:00 the following business day
Vanguard Target Retirement 2055 15:45 16:00 21:00 the following business day
Vanguard UK Inflation Linked Gilt Index 10:45 11:00 16:15
Vanguard UK Long Duration Gilt Index 10:45 11:00 16:15
Vanguard US Equity Index 10:45 11:00 21:00
Veritas Asian 09:45 10:00 12:00
Veritas China 09:45 10:00 12:00
Veritas Global Equity Income 09:45 10:00 12:00
Veritas Global Real Return 09:45 10:00 12:00
Vermeer Global  14:45 15:00 16:00
Vontobel Fund - Emerging Markets Blend  10:45 11:00 18:00
Vontobel Fund - mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 10:45 11:00 16:00 the following business day
Vontobel Fund - TwentyFour Absolute Return Credit 10:45 11:00 10:00 the following business day
Vontobel Fund - TwentyFour Monument European Asset Backed Securities 10:45 11:00 10:00 the following business day
Vontobel Fund - TwentyFour Strategic Income 10:45 11:00 10:00 the following business day
Vontobel Fund - TwentyFour Sustainable Short Term Bond Income Acc -U 10:45 11:00 10:00 the following business day
Vontobel Fund - TwentyFour Sustainable Strategic Income 10:45 11:00 10:00 the following business day
Vontobel Fund II - Global Impact Equities 10:45 11:00 17:00
VT De Lisle America 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
VT Greystone Balanced Managed  15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
VT Greystone Cautious Managed  15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
VT Greystone Conservative Managed  15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
VT Greystone Global Growth  15:45 16:00 08:30 the following business day
VT Momentum Diversified Balanced 09:45 10:00 12:00
VT Momentum Diversified Cautious 09:45 10:00 12:00
VT Momentum Diversified Moderate 09:45 10:00 12:00
Waverton Absolute Return 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Waverton European Capital Growth 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Waverton European Dividend Growth  15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Waverton Global Strategic Bond 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Waverton Multi-Asset Growth 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Waverton Multi-Asset Income 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Waverton Real Assets 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Waverton Strategic Equity 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
Wellington (IE) Blended Opportunistic Emerging Markets Debt  10:45 11:00 21:00
Wellington (IE) Durable Companies 10:45 11:00 21:00
Wellington (IE) Durable Enterprise 10:45 11:00 21:00
Wellington (IE) Emerging Market Development 10:45 11:00 21:00 the following business day
Wellington (IE) Enduring Assets 10:45 11:00 21:00
Wellington (IE) FinTech 10:45 11:00 21:00
Wellington (IE) Global Bond 10:45 11:00 21:00
Wellington (IE) Global Credit Plus 10:45 11:00 21:00
Wellington (IE) Global High Yield Bond  10:45 11:00 21:00
Wellington (IE) Global Impact 10:45 11:00 21:00
Wellington (IE) Global Impact Bond 10:45 11:00 21:00
Wellington (IE) Global Stewards  10:45 11:00 21:00
Wellington (IE) Universal Vision 10:45 11:00 21:00
Wellington (IE) US Research Equity 10:45 11:00 21:00
Wellington (IE) World Bond  10:45 11:00 21:00
Wellington (Lux) Climate Market Neutral 10:45 11:00 21:00
Wellington (Lux) Climate Strategy 10:45 11:00 22:00
Wellington (Lux) Global Equity Income  10:45 11:00 21:00
Wellington (Lux) Global Innovation 10:45 11:00 21:00
Wellington (Lux) Global Quality Growth 10:45 11:00 21:00
Wellington (Lux) Global Total Return 10:45 11:00 21:00
Wells Fargo 2 Degree Global Equity 15:45 16:00 21:00
Wells Fargo Global Equity Enhanced Income 15:45 16:00 21:00
Wells Fargo Worldwide Small Cap Innovation 15:45 16:00 21:00
Winton Trend 10:45 11:00 23:59
WS Bellevue Healthcare 15:45 16:00 07:00 the following business day
WS Calibre Equity 15:45 16:00 08:00 the following business day
WS Doherty Balanced Managed 15:45 16:00 08:00 the following business day
WS Doherty Cautious Managed 15:45 16:00 08:00 the following business day
WS Doherty Distribution 15:45 16:00 08:00 the following business day
WS Lindsell Train UK Equity 15:45 16:00 10:00 the following business day
WS Prudential Risk Managed Active 1 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
WS Prudential Risk Managed Active 2 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
WS Prudential Risk Managed Active 3 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
WS Prudential Risk Managed Active 4 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
WS Prudential Risk Managed Active 5 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
WS Prudential Risk Managed Passive 1 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
WS Prudential Risk Managed Passive 2 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
WS Prudential Risk Managed Passive 3 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
WS Prudential Risk Managed Passive 4 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day
WS Prudential Risk Managed Passive 5 15:45 16:00 12:00 the following business day