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Interest rate on cash

The current AER is 3.51% (3.45% Gross, paid monthly)
3.51% AER
The current interest rate is 3.51% AER (3.45% Gross)
The Gross rate is the annual interest rate we pay, before tax. Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly. The Annual Equivalent Rate (AER) shows the interest received over the course of the year, with the compounding effect of it being paid monthly.

What is the cash facility?

Our ISA, Junior ISA (JISA), Collective Investment Account (CIA) and Collective Retirement account (CRA) have their own cash facility.

The facility has a functional purpose, designed to support the efficient running of your investments by avoiding small trades that could limit other activity. For example, paying for fees and charges. It also enables you to temporarily hold cash alongside your investments to support your wider investment strategy.

It is not suitable for those who wish to have predominantly cash holdings for long periods.

Features of the cash facility:

  -  Use it to pay for charges, fees and income instead of selling other investments you hold

  -  Our automated cash management feature ensures sufficient cash is held to cover charges and fees

  -  Option to receive dividends and distributions

  -  Option to phase your investments into the market over a period that suits you.

If you invest in our Collective Investment Bond, cash will be used in some instances to fund adviser fees or Quilter’s charges. This is known as transactional cash. Transactional cash cannot be selected as an investment within this product and no interest is paid on cash held within the bond.

How the current interest rate is shared

This interest rate applies to cash balances in: ISAs, Juniors ISAs, Collective Investment Accounts and Collective Retirement Accounts.

  Interest earned Interest we retain Gross Interest (paid monthly to customers) Annual Equivalent Rate (AER)
From 5 September to present 4.75% 1.30% 3.45% 3.51%

Protecting your money

We take the protection of client’s money very seriously and there are a number of safeguards in place to protect your money in the highly unlikely event that we or the manager of the assets you invest in becomes insolvent or a bank defaults. Read more about how your cash and investments are protected.

How your money is protected

Historical rates