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How do I switch funds by asset?

This step-by-step summary explains how to switch a client’s investment funds and/or redirect ongoing contributions into alternative funds.

Date: 26 October 2022

What you’ll need to get started

  • The client’s investment details (the investment must already be set up).
  • Names of the funds you wish to switch out of and into.

Watch time: 3 minutes

Switching and redirecting funds: Step-by-step

1. Search for the relevant client. You can do this from the homepage.

2. Click on the 'Switch' button at the top of the client’s dashboard.

3. On the ‘Client switch/redirect’ screen, complete the questions relating to the advice that’s been given.

  • Select ‘Switch by asset’ (this will mean you will be selecting the assets you want to be sold and the assets you wish to buy.)
  • Select ‘Switch and redirect’ to switch the existing fund holdings and redirect ongoing contributions (alternatively you can choose to do one or the other).

4. Locate the assets you'd like to switch out of, using the search facility.

  • The amount and number of clients invested in the asset will be displayed.
  • Enter the percentage amount to switch out.

5. The screen that follows will show details of the selected accounts. Select which accounts you'd like the switch/redirect to apply to.

  • You can remove accounts by clicking on the red cross.

6. Select the new assets to switch into. You can choose to switch into model portfolios, funds or exchange traded instruments.

  • Enter the asset allocation percentage split amongst the selected assets, including cash holdings, and ensure the total equals 100%.

7. The next screen allows you to review the information you have entered and view supporting documentation.

  • Supporting documentation for the instruction is displayed at the top of the screen.
  • Use the ‘Edit’ options to make any amendments.
  • Review the information, tick the declaration and click ‘Confirm’.
  • A green banner will appear at the top of the screen confirming that the switch instruction has been successful.

8. You can view the instruction details within the ‘Activities’ tab from the client’s account dashboard.

Switching between share classes

If you switch between share classes of the same asset it will show as a disposal in the CGT tool and on the CGT Report and cannot be corrected. We will be looking to deliver share class conversion functionality in future.


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