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Keeping you safe online

Date: 25 October 2022

The latest security features

Keeping your investments safe is of utmost importance to us.

We use the latest security features to protect you when accessing your investments through our online Customer Centre and we employ a team of cybersecurity and fraud prevention experts to protect your data and your investments.

Protecting you and your investments

We have robust processes and security features in place to protect your investments and we continually review these to keep us ‘one step ahead of fraudsters’ and emerging threats. These include:

  • A memorable picture and phrase, chosen by you, that will be shown each time you log in to the online Customer Centre – so you can be sure you are on our online service before you access your account.
  • The use of two factor authentication, which provides an extra layer of security when undertaking certain transactions, such as withdrawals, on our online Customer Centre.
  • An online withdrawal limit of up to £50,000, with payment only going to a previously verified bank account.
  • We’ll notify you if we receive a request to change your data, such as your mobile number, address, or email address.

Be aware: there are things we will never ask you

There are people who will look to impersonate employees from financial institutions in order to gain access to your personal and financial information. So it’s important that you always stay vigilant and be aware of unsolicited calls and emails.

There are things that Quilter will never ask you to do either via email or phone:

  1. We will never call or email you and ask you to share your online account details, such as your password and memorable information.
  2. We will never send you an email asking you to update any details via a link, or asking you to confirm your identity by asking security questions e.g. what is your date of birth etc.
  3. We will never phone or email you to confirm your full bank account number.
  4. We will never phone or email you to confirm your debit card details.
  5. We will never ask you to carry out ‘test’ transactions online.
  6. We will never call you (without a previous conversation with you first) and ask you to initiate a withdrawal from your account.

Suspicious circumstances

If you aren’t expecting a call from us and are suspicious, we recommend you end the call and call us using the number we provide on our correspondence or website.

If you suspect that fraud is being perpetrated against Quilter or you as a customer, you can confidentially bring this to our attention by detailing your suspicions on our 'Scam reporting form' page.

Things you can do to keep yourself safe online

There are also steps you can take to keep yourself safe from online fraudsters and scammers.

  • Choose a strong password for your online account – pick a password only you know and don’t share it. Don’t use words or numbers personal to you.
  • Don’t use the same password across online accounts and never write your passwords down.
  • Always ensure you log out of the online Customer Centre once you have completed a session, particularly if you are out and about, or using a public computer.
  • Install anti-virus software to your devices and ensure it is updated regularly.
  • Only open email messages from people you know and delete messages from those you don’t know. Never click on an email link or attachment unless you're sure it was requested. Some can lead you to fake websites that look like the real thing where a criminal will be waiting to steal your details.

If you would like further information on keeping yourself safe from fraud and investment scams visit our 'Stay safe' page on

Stay safe online

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